Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Obey background information..

1.     Obey’s target customer is a trendy young man or woman ranging from ages sixteen to thirty. They are strongly influenced by hip hop and music in their personal style, yet they also seek to make a difference through the threads they wear by getting involved in world issues through design. This individual does not want to sit back and let the world’s tragedies happen around them, they want to do their part to help make the world a better place to live in. I see this person living in a large urban city like New York or Chicago. This customer came to the city in search of artistic freedom and expression. They are educated in mind and spirit, but do not have a lot of extra cash to throw at high end fashion because they would rather be spending it on helping the community or starting a revolution. This brand appeals to this kind of customer through the many outreach programs it offers and the knowledge their website offers about world issues. 

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