Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Obey...the beginnings!

 After attending the Rhode Island School for Design, Fairy became very interested in Screen Print. One day eighteen years ago, while teaching his friend the craft, Fairy grabbed a picture from a newspaper of Andre the Giant to screen print and made a joke about the wrestlers posse and BAM an idea was born. This image became Obey’s first brand icon and was Xerox copied into stickers that were then mounted everywhere along the city. Fairy decided early on that he wanted his art to reflect world events and their leaders as well as his own interpretation of pop culture. Fairy seeks to blur the lines between fine art, commercial art, and street art and asked designers, Mike Ternosky and Erin Wignall to help him translate his ideas from canvas to t-shirt. Obey first got its name recognized through stickers and posters that are used to tag the streets and now the brand has everything from coats to t-shirts and hats to accessories for both men and woman. Obey is currently partnered up with Adopt a pet and has a limited edition line of dog collars and leashes. The essence of this brand according to Fairy is a critique of “society’s trendy and conspicuously consumptive nature,” a criticism of the way in which we thoughtlessly accept the advertising messages that bombard our senses daily. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know anything about this company and after reading you blog I am really interested in it :) it's very different, I like.
